
Revision Of New Minimum Top-up For GB Cloud

  • 23rd November 2022
Dear valued customer, Greeting from GB Cloud, Starting today, we would like to announce that we have revised the new minimum top-up amount for your cloud account to 10$. This enables us to continue enhancing services and creating new features while better reflecting the needs of our customers. We have come across with this decision to enable ...
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[COMPLETED] Urgent Server RAM Upgrade Maintenance - Cloud SSD Plan | 17th November 2022

  • 17th November 2022
Dear Valued Customers,This message is addressed to GB Cloud Customers that use our Cloud SSD services.We would like to inform you that we have completed the server RAM upgrade maintenance on our server. All services are up and currently resuming their operation.Details are as follows:Maintenance Window Start Date / Time: 17th  November 2022 / ...
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[UPDATE] Urgent Server RAM Upgrade Maintenance - Cloud SSD Plan | 17th November 2022

  • 17th November 2022
Dear Valued Customers,This message is addressed to GB Cloud Customers that use our Cloud SSD services.As part of our commitment to continuously improve the level of service we provide, we would like to inform you about upcoming urgent maintenance for the Cloud SSD server as below.Details are as follows:Maintenance Window Start Date / Time: 17th  ...
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[UPDATE] Urgent Server RAM Upgrade Maintenance - Cloud SSD Plan | 17th November 2022

  • 16th November 2022
Dear Valued Customers,This message is addressed to GB Cloud Customers that use our Cloud SSD services.As part of our commitment to continuously improve the level of service we provide, we would like to inform you about upcoming urgent maintenance for the Cloud SSD server as below.Details are as follows:Maintenance Window Start Date / Time: 17th  ...
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